Aditya Chopra, one of India’s most successful film producers, has lost his mother, Pamela Chopra, who passed away at age Pamela Chopra, who passed away at the age of 74. Pamela Chopra was not just the wife of the legendary filmmaker – Yash Chopra, but was also a prominent figure in the Indian film industry. Her demise is a huge loss to the industry and the Chopra family.
Who was Pamela Chopra?
Pamela Chopra was born in 1948, the daughter of Mohinder Singh, an officer in the Indian Army Pamela Chopra met Yash Chopra when she was just 16 years old, and they got married in 1970. Together, they had two sons, Aditya Chopra, and Uday Chopra.
Pamela Chopra’s Career in the Film Industry
Pamela Chopra was not just a homemaker but also played an important role in her husband’s films. She was Yash Chopra’s creative partner and the driving force behind his successful career. Pamela Chopra was also a producer and co-produced some of her husband’s films, including “Chandni” and “Lamhe”.
The Legacy of Pamela Chopra
Pamela Chopra’s legacy in the film industry is not limited to her work as a producer. She was also known for her philanthropic work and was actively involved in several charities. In 1998, she established the Yash Chopra Foundation in memory of her late husband, which works towards providing financial assistance to the underprivileged in the film industry.
Pamela Chopra’s contribution to the Indian film industry was immense, and she will always be remembered for her grace, dignity, and elegance. Her demise is a huge loss to the industry and the Chopra family.
Pamela Chopra’s Funeral
Pamela Chopra’s funeral was held on 22nd April 2023 at the Pawan Hans Crematorium in Mumbai. The funeral was attended by several celebrities from the film industry, including Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, and Aamir Khan, among others.
The Chopra Family’s Statement
The Chopra family released a statement expressing their grief and gratitude towards the outpouring of love and support from fans and well-wishers. The statement read, “With a heavy heart, we announce the passing away of Pamela Chopra, the matriarch of our family. She was a woman of grace, dignity, and unwavering strength. Her loss leaves a void that can never be filled. We are grateful for the love and support of our fans and well-wishers during this difficult time.”
Tweet of Yash Raj Films
Pamela Chopra was not just the wife of Yash Chopra or the mother of Aditya Chopra, but a prominent figure in the Indian film industry in her own right. Her contribution to the entertainment industry as a producer and philanthropist is immense, and she will always be remembered for her elegance, grace, and dignity. Her demise is a huge loss to the industry and the Chopra family.
Source: Indian Express