India has added another feather to its cap by launching its first-ever water metro in Kochi, Kerala. It is an initiative that has been taken by the Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL) to bring about a major change in the public transportation system of the city. The project aims to reduce traffic congestion, pollution and offer a quicker mode of transportation.
A Revolutionary Step
The water metro project was inaugurated by the Honorable Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, on 25th April 2023. The project is expected to boost tourism in the city, making it an even more attractive destination for travelers from all over the world.
The water metro will cover 15 routes that will connect different islands in the backwaters of Kochi. The boats are designed to be eco-friendly and have the capacity to carry 50 passengers at a time. The boats are also equipped with air conditioning, Wi-Fi, and other modern amenities to provide a comfortable ride to the passengers.
Fares and Routes
A total of 10 islands surrounding the port city will be linked together through the Kochi water metro. The first phase of this service will run from the High Court-Vypin terminal to the Vyttila-Kakkanad terminal. Passengers can purchase tickets online or use the ‘Kochi 1’ card for travel. The ticket prices range from a minimum of ₹20 to a maximum of ₹40. Regular passengers can also avail of weekly or monthly passes, costing between ₹180 to ₹1,500.
According to CM Vijayan, the water metro will significantly reduce travel time. Passengers can reach Vypin terminal from the High Court terminal in just 20 minutes and from Vypin to Kakkanad within 25 minutes, without being stuck in traffic. The project, which is worth ₹747 crore, has identified 15 routes connecting islands, spanning a total of 78 km.
A Boon for Commuters
The water metro is expected to be a boon for commuters in the city. It will provide a faster and more efficient mode of transportation than the existing ferry services. The water metro is also expected to reduce traffic congestion on the roads and lower pollution levels in the city.
The project will create job opportunities for the local people and will help in the overall development of the region. It is expected to provide a major boost to the tourism industry in Kochi, which is already a popular destination for travelers from all over the world.
Benefits of the Water Metro
The water metro project is a significant step towards achieving sustainable and eco-friendly transportation. It will reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and lower carbon emissions. The project is expected to offer the following benefits:
- Quicker mode of transportation
- Reduction in traffic congestion
- Reduction in pollution levels
- Creation of job opportunities
- Boost to the tourism industry
Future Plans
The Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL) has plans to expand the water metro project further. It plans to introduce more routes and boats to cater to the growing demand. The project is also expected to create opportunities for private investment, leading to further growth and development of the region.
The launch of India’s first water metro in Kochi is a significant step towards the development of sustainable and eco-friendly transportation in the country. The project will not only offer a quicker and more efficient mode of transportation but also reduce traffic congestion and pollution levels. The project is expected to bring about a major change in the public transportation system of the city and create job opportunities for the local people. The water metro project is a significant step towards achieving a cleaner and greener India.
Source: Times of India