Pune, a city in western India, has recently witnessed a spike in temperature, with the mercury soaring up to 42.1 degrees Celsius, the highest in the ongoing summer season. The rising temperature has led to discomfort among the locals, making it difficult to carry out their daily activities.
In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the sudden surge in temperature and its impact on the city. We will also look into the measures that can be taken to cope with the scorching heat.
The Causes Behind the Heat Wave
There are several reasons why the temperature has increased so drastically in Pune. One of the primary reasons is the urban heat island effect. As the city continues to expand, the number of buildings, roads, and vehicles also increase. This leads to the absorption of more heat by the city, resulting in a rise in temperature.
Apart from this, deforestation and the cutting down of trees have also contributed to the heat wave. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which helps in regulating the temperature. With the reduction in the number of trees, the temperature continues to rise.
The Impact on the Locals
The rising temperature has taken a toll on the locals, with many suffering from heatstroke, dehydration, and other heat-related illnesses. The elderly, children and those with underlying health conditions are particularly vulnerable to heat wave.
The heat wave has also impacted the agricultural sector, with farmers struggling to grow crops in such extreme temperatures. The lack of rainfall has worsened the situation, leading to a drought-like scenario in some parts of the city.
Also Read: How to Survive the Scorching Summer Heat: Tips and Tricks
Coping with the Heat
To cope with the scorching heat, it is essential to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and fluids. Avoiding direct exposure to the sun and staying indoors during peak hours can also help in preventing heatstroke.
Wearing loose, comfortable clothing made from breathable fabrics can aid in keeping the body cool. Applying sunscreen and wearing hats or scarves to cover the head can also protect against the harmful rays of the sun.
The rise in temperature in Pune is a cause for concern and requires immediate attention. Taking preventive measures such as planting more trees, reducing emissions, and adopting sustainable practices can go a long way in mitigating the impact of the heat wave.
Source: IMD Pune