On Wednesday, Russia accused Ukraine of attempting to carry out a “terrorist attack” with two drones to kill President Vladimir Putin. However, the US has denied involvement in the alleged drone attack and said that the Kremlin is ‘lying.’ The incident comes amid several recent explosions and trail derailments on Russian and occupied Ukrainian territory.
Russia Accuses Ukraine of a “Terrorist Attack”
According to reports, two drones were detected flying over Putin’s residence on Tuesday night, with one being shot down by security forces. Russian authorities have claimed that the Ukrainian security services were behind the attack, which was aimed at killing Putin.
US Denies Involvement and Calls Kremlin’s Accusations “Lies”
The White House National Security Council’s spokesperson, John Kirby, rejected Russia’s allegations of the US’s involvement in the drone attack. Kirby stated that the US had nothing to do with the attack and that the Kremlin’s accusations were ‘lies.’
Peskov Blames Washington for the Attack
Putin’s longtime press secretary, Peskov, has blamed the US for the drone attack, stating that decisions on such attacks are not made in Kyiv but in Washington. According to Peskov, Kyiv only does what it is told to do.
Washington’s Position on Ukraine’s Attacks
Kirby emphasized that the US does not support or condone attacks by Ukraine outside its borders. He stated that the US has been clear with Ukraine publicly and privately that it does not encourage nor enable them to strike outside Ukraine.
Recent Explosions and Derailments
The alleged drone attack on Putin’s residence comes amid several other recent explosions and trail derailments on Russian and occupied Ukrainian territory. It is unclear who is responsible for these incidents, but tensions between Russia and Ukraine have been escalating in recent weeks.
In conclusion, the US has denied involvement in the alleged drone attack on Putin’s residence and has called the Kremlin’s accusations ‘lies.’ Tensions between Russia and Ukraine have been escalating in recent weeks, with several explosions and trail derailments on both Russian and occupied Ukrainian territory.
Source: The Hindu